One Seed, One Community Cambridge (OSOC Cambridge) is an initiative that unites the Cambridge and North Dumfries communities in the shared experience of growing nutritious food and saving seeds. Created by four local organizations: Cambridge Food Bank, rare Charitable Research Reserve, Seeds of Diversity, and Idea Exchange, OSOC Cambridge is an annual program that offers free seeds, community connections, and the experience of growing and sharing food.
Each year a new seed variety is selected by OSOC Cambridge. The seed for the 2024 planting season will be announced at the One Seed, One Community Launch (Saturday, March 9) at the rare ECO Centre.
Everyone can participate in the full circle growing process through the following steps:
- Pick up free seed packets at any Idea Exchange location or the Cambridge Food Bank in early spring.
- Plant and care for your seedlings – watch them grow.
- Harvest and enjoy your edamame. If you have more than you can enjoy, Cambridge Food Bank is thrilled to accept freshly harvested produce or dry goods.
- Learn more about gardening and get updates on OSOC Cambridge on the Facebook pages for Cambridge Food Bank, Idea Exchange, rare Charitable Research Reserve, and Seeds of Diversity.
- Save and donate your seeds. The seed libraries at Idea Exchange and Cambridge Food Bank will gratefully accept seed donations.
Join One Seed, One Community Cambridge in helping to grow our community, one seed at a time.